Setting Up Company Information

Having accurate company information is essential. Follow this article to see how to get started!

When you first sign up for Builder Prime, you'll be walked through how to add your company information. If for any reason these steps were skipped or you need to make updates, the instructions are below. 

IMPORTANT: When making changes to the Company Info section, any changes made can cause global changes to your account including customer-facing documents sent through projects. 

company setup-1

➡️ Navigate to Admin > Configure > Company Info to set up company information

1.  Company Logo and Accent Colors

To add a company logo, select the Grey Box or drag and drop image files. Your logo will appear in Contracts, Invoices, and Emails. Changes take effect immediately after saving. Accent colors affect the display of headers and the account itself.

2. Add Company Details

These details, including the Company Name, Address, phone number, website address, and email address, will appear in the header and footer of certain documents and emails.

3. Add a Company Email Signature

There is a variable to include the company signature at the end of emails. When building email templates, use %company_signature% to have this added at the end of each email.

4. Notification Emails, Time Zone, and Currency Codes

Email addresses entered in the bottom right corner of the setup screen for contracts, invoices, and support determine where Builder Prime will send notifications. Hover over the ❓ icon for additional information.

Choose the company time zone for calendars and timing of notifications regarding appointments, project start times, and time cards.

Remember to always save any changes!
To save edited information in Builder Prime, click the "Save" button in the bottom right-hand corner of edit windows, including the Company Info page.