Managing the QuickBooks Export Queue / Common Errors

If an error occurred with the export, you will see that error message listed in the export log.  Errors can occur for any number of reasons when exporting data from Builder Prime to the accounting system.  For example, if a sales tax rate is not set up exactly the same in both systems, you will see an error message indicating that.  You can always contact support if you need help resolving an export error.

If there is an item pending export and you decide that you do not want that item to be exported, you can always remove that item from the list of pending items to be exported.  Simply click on the item in the export log and click the button to remove it from the export.

Common Errors

Here are some of the more common errors and how to resolve them:

Object "B68F-1621437495" specified in the request cannot be found.

  • Object "AAAA-0000000000" specified in the request cannot be found.

    Explanation & Resolution: This error most commonly occurs for payments.  The Object being referenced in the error message is an invoice.  Most likely what happened is that the invoice was deleted or modified with a new identifier directly in QuickBooks.  Builder Prime will not receive any new identifier for the invoice that was modified or deleted directly by a user in QuickBooks.  To ensure smooth operation of the export, you should generally avoid making changes to transactions directly in QuickBooks that were initially created by Builder Prime.  If you are seeing this error message in your Builder Prime export queue now, you should manually insert or update the failing transaction in QuickBooks, and remove this item from your Builder Prime export queue.

  • The given object ID "" in the field "list id" is invalid.

    Explanation & Resolution: This error indicates that the list element on one or more of your estimate or invoice line items is not found in QuickBooks.  Most often, this is due to a missing Accounting Code on one or more of your line items.  The easiest fix for this is to set the "Default Sales Item" in the settings section under Admin > Configure.  The item you select here will then be used on any line items of your estimate or invoice where an Accounting Code is not more explicitly set.  If one overall default sales item is too general for how you categorize things in QuickBooks, you can additionally or alternatively set a default accounting code on any of your project types.  That way if any of the line items on your project do not explicitly specify an accounting code, it will apply the accounting code from the assigned project type.  Finally, if the project type is still too general for how you categorize your line items in QuickBooks, you can specify the Accounting Code on any of your line items in the Tasks tab of your project and/or the line items for your default tasks in your project templates.

  • Duplicate Document Number Error :: Detail: Duplicate Document Number Error : You must specify a different number. This number has already been used. DocNumber=XXXX-bp is assigned to TxnType=Estimate with TxnId=XXXX

    Explanation & Resolution: There are two reasons that this error message can occur.  Builder Prime sets a reference number on the transaction being exported with the number associated with that item in Builder Prime plus '-bp' appended to it.  If a transaction was manually created in QuickBooks with the reference number that Builder Prime is trying to use for it, QuickBooks will throw this error.  If you create a transaction manually in QuickBooks, it may try to follow the pattern of previous reference numbers, so it may default the reference number with the '-bp' in it.  If this occurs, you should change the reference number in QuickBooks for the manually created transaction and then retry to export for this item. Another reason this can occur is that the item being exported to QuickBooks is updated at about the same time by a user from within the Builder Prime app.  This causes a conflict when two separate updates are being attempted to the same record at the same time in Builder Prime.  An example of this could be the contract getting e-signed or marked as sold while the export is occurring.  This causes a conflict and QuickBooks is unable set the transaction link and clear the item from the queue in Builder Prime.  Builder Prime then sees this transaction as not exported, even though it has been successfully set up in QuickBooks, so it tries again and QuickBooks doesn't allow it since it already exists.  If this occurs, please alert Builder Prime support to establish the transaction link, and once linked, you can remove it from the export queue.

  • This invoice is recorded against Contract No. XXXX, but the corresponding estimate was not found in QuickBooks. Please make sure that Contract No. XXXX has been marked as sold and retry sending this invoice to QuickBooks.

    Explanation & Resolution: If you are sending estimates and invoices to QuickBooks, Builder Prime will link these transactions for you in QuickBooks, just like they are linked in Builder Prime.  In order to link an invoice to an estimate, the estimate must first exist in QuickBooks.  Check if the contract in question is marked as sold since this is what triggers the estimate to be created in QuickBooks.  Once the estimate is successfully sent over to QuickBooks, then click to Retry Failed Items and the invoice should get created as well, clearing the error from the export queue.

  • Object Not Found :: Detail: Object Not Found : Something you're trying to use has been made inactive. Check the fields with accounts, customers, items, vendors or employees.

    Explanation & Resolution: Unfortunately QuickBooks does not tell us here exactly what has been made inactive.  Most commonly, it is either one of your items that are being applied to the different line items of the transaction, or the customer.  Sometimes you might have two items in QuickBooks with the same name, and one was made inactive, but if Builder Prime still has the link to the one that was made inactive, it is a little trickier to figure out.  Your best course of action here is to reimport your items list from QuickBooks to Builder Prime in Admin > Accounting. Then make sure you have appropriate active items selected for your default service item in the Accounting screen if you do have one selected. Next, verify that the default Accounting Code on your Project Types in Builder Prime are mapped with active QuickBooks items if you use the default setting here.  Finally, double check that the specific line items on your contracts and invoices in Builder Prime have valid active accounting codes on them (in the Tasks tab of the project). 

  • Duplicate Name Exists Error :: Detail: The name supplied already exists : null

    Explanation & Resolution: Usually this error refers to a customer that Builder Prime is attempting to set up in QuickBooks.  QuickBooks has a Display Name field that can be used instead of the First Name and Last Name fields.  Builder Prime attempts to look for and set up customers based on the specific fields in QuickBooks for First Name and Last Name.  If it doesn't find a match, it will try to set it up as a new customer by setting the first and last name fields.  QuickBooks will then attempt to create the display name based on those fields.  If the display name is the same as an existing customer record, it will give this error.  The easiest way to resolve this is to enter the first and last name in the designated fields for the customer in QuickBooks and then retry.

  • Invalid Customer :: Detail: The customer you have specifid has been deleted. You cannot create or edit a transaction with a deleted customer.

    Explanation & Resolution: A client record in Builder Prime has been previously linked with a customer record in QuickBooks, but now that customer record in QuickBooks has been deleted.  QuickBooks will not allow you to enter transactions against a deleted customer.  The easiest resolution is restore the deleted customer record in QuickBooks.  If you need the link to the deleted customer to be removed from Builder Prime, send a request to Builder Prime support containing the URL of the client record that needs to be unlinked.  We will unlink it and then Builder Prime will attempt to find a different customer, or otherwise set up a new one, on the next attempt to export.

  • There is no Deposit Item set for this deposit invoice

    Explanation & Resolution: The invoice being exported has been designated as a deposit invoice in Builder Prime.  The reason to specify an invoice as a deposit invoice is so that you can put that invoice against a liability account in QuickBooks until the work has been performed.  Subsequent invoices will move the specified amount out of the liability account and into an asset account.  In order for Builder Prime to know which liability account the deposit invoice should go against, you need to specify the Deposit Item in the QuickBooks Settings in Admin > Accounting.  Otherwise, if you don't want this to go against a liability account, then edit the invoice and deselect the option to make it a deposit invoice.

  • Cannot delete this TRANSACTIONTYPE because it was not found in QuickBooks

    Explanation & Resolution: The QuickBooks transaction that was previously linked to this Builder Prime transaction was manually deleted in QuickBooks. Now when Builder Prime is trying to delete it, QuickBooks is saying that it can't find this transaction. It should be safe to just remove this from the export queue in Builder Prime, and allow Builder Prime to handle the deletions in QuickBooks rather than deleting it separately in QuickBooks directly in order to avoid this issue in the future.

  • A business validation error has occurred while processing your request :: Detail: Business Validation Error: update

    Explanation & Resolution: This error typically happens when an invoice is moved from being against an initial contract and then later gets applied to a change order. When the invoice was originally created, the line items were linked to line items on the estimate. When the invoice was moved to the new change order, those same line items are now different and QuickBooks will not allow the line item to still be linked to the previous estimate. The good news is that this issue should happen less and less since Builder Prime no longer links the line items, as that was optional anyway. The bad news is that you'll need to manually make any updates in QuickBooks to make sure the invoice is in sync between Builder Prime and QuickBooks, and then remove this item from the export queue.

  • Account Period Closed, Cannot Update Through Services API :: Detail: The account period has closed and the account books cannot be updated through through the QBO Services API. Please use the QBO website to make these changes.

    Explantion & Resolution: Builder Prime is attempting to send a transaction with a transaction date that is in an accounting period that has already been closed in QuickBooks. As the message indicates, you'll need to manually make the adjustment in QuickBooks and then remove this item from the export queue in Builder Prime.

  • Cannot delete the object specified by the id = "AAAA-000000000". QuickBooks error message: Did not delete this transaction. This transaction had deposited payments.

    Explanation & Resolution: You are trying to delete a payment in QuickBooks that already has deposits against it. You'll need to remove the deposit payments first if you really want to delete this payment. Most likely you'll want to handle this manually in QuickBooks and then remove this item from the export queue in Builder Prime.

  • Deposited Transaction cannot be changed :: Detail: This transaction has been deposited. If you want to change or delete it, you must edit the deposit it appears on and remove it first

    Explanation & Resolution: Once the payment has been deposited in QuickBooks, it cannot be deleted. Most likely you'll want to handle this manually in QuickBooks and then remove this item from the export queue in Builder Prime.

  • Cannot find the corresponding sales tax rate in QuickBooks. Please set up a sales tax rate for XXXXXXXX in QuickBooks Online. The system will automatically retry to update this item.

    Explanation & Resolution: The sales tax rate used on this project in Builder Prime is not linked to the QuickBooks sales tax rate properly. In Builder Prime, go to Admin > Configure > Sales Tax Rates, and select the related Sales Tax Rate from QuickBooks to map for this particular rate. Then retry sending this transaction.

  • Invalid Customer :: Detail: The customer you have specified has been deleted. You cannot create or edit a transaction with a deleted customer.

    Explanation & Resolution: The customer in QuickBooks that is linked with the client in Builder Prime has been deleted, so QuickBooks will not accept the transaction against a deleted customer. If you're using QuickBooks Online, find the client record in question in Builder Prime, and then find the QuickBooks Online ID that is listed in small text at the bottom of the contact details. Click the identifier and then remove it. This will force Builder Prime to link to a different customer on the next attempt.

  • Invalid ID :: Detail: Id should be a valid number. Supplied value:null

    Explanation & Resolution: One of the accounting codes that are assigned to one of the line items on this transaction is not mapped to a valid item in QuickBooks. Often time this might be related to an invoice fee, but not always. Go to Admin > Accounting > Accounting Codes, and make sure each of them are linked to a specific item in QuickBooks.

  • message=AuthenticationFailed; errorCode=003200; statusCode=401

    Explanation & Resolution: The integration with QuickBooks seems to have been disconnected. Reconnect the integration and then retry the failed items.

  • message=GatewayTimeout; errorCode=006002; statusCode=504

    Explanation & Resolution: There was a temporary error accessing QuickBooks. Try again in a few minutes.

  • More than one customer found with the name: FIRSTNAME LASTNAME. Not sure which one to choose!

    Explanation & Resolution: There is more than one customer with the same name in QuickBooks. Try making sure the email address exists on both the client record in Builder Prime and in QuickBooks. If there is no email address, then try changing the name slightly of one of the QuickBooks customers that should not get linked to this client from Builder Prime.

  • Object Not Found :: Detail: Object Not Found : Something you're trying to use has been made inactive. Check the fields with accounts, customers, items, vendors or employees.

    Explanation & Resolution: This usually indicates that the QuickBooks customer that the Builder Prime client is linked to has been made inactive. Try going to the client record in question in Builder Prime, and then find the QuickBooks Online ID that is listed in small text at the bottom of the contact details. Click the identifier and then remove it. This will force Builder Prime to link to a different customer on the next attempt.

  • The estimate/invoice total of XXXXXX in QuickBooks Online does not match the contract/invoice total of YYYYYY in Builder Prime. Make sure the sales tax rates are in sync between the two apps.

    Explanation & Resolution: QuickBooks disagrees with how the taxes were applied in Builder Prime. Usually the wrong tax rate was selected in Builder Prime, or certain line items were marked taxable in Builder Prime that QuickBooks thinks should be non-taxable, or certain line item were marked non-taxable in Builder Prime that QuickBooks thinks should be taxable. Double check that the correct zip code is applied in Builder Prime, and also check to make sure that the items in QuickBooks are appropriately marked as taxable or non-taxable. If a tax rate needs to be changed, you will most likely need to execute a change order to include the correct tax rate. Or you can handle this manually in QuickBooks, and remove the item from the export queue.

  • There is no Sales Service Item set for the line item: XXXXXXXXX

    Explanation & Resolution: Builder Prime did not find an accounting code to apply from the project task, the project type, or the overall default in the QuickBooks settings in Admin > Accounting. Make sure that an accounting code that contains a valid mapping to QuickBooks has been applied to all the line items on the transaction, and try again.

  • The service item for the following task was not found in QuickBooks: XXXXXXXXX

    Explanation & Resolution: Builder Prime did not find an accounting code to apply from the project task, the project type, or the overall default in the QuickBooks settings in Admin > Accounting. Make sure that an accounting code that contains a valid mapping to QuickBooks has been applied to all the line items on the transaction, and try again.

How to Retry Failed Items

Items that were not successfully exported to QuickBooks for any reason are not automatically retried on every execution of the export process.  In order to queue failed items up to be retried, click the button to Retry Failed Items at the top of the Export Queue section in your Admin > Accounting screen.  Then any items that previously had errors will be reattempted on the next execution of the export process.