Managing Sale Tax Rates

Manage your sales tax rates and learn how to apply tax to projects.

Creating Sales Tax Rates

Sales tax rates are configured under Admin > Configure > Sales Tax Rates. From this page you can create a new rate, modify an existing rate, or import your tax rates from QuickBooks Online.

Clicking the button to add a new rate will populate a box to input the short code, rate, and a description. The short code is what will be displayed on the contract and invoice. The rate is the tax percentage. The description is for internal use to provide context around the type of tax or when to use the tax.

If you are connected to QuickBooks Online, you'll be able to confirm that the tax rate is correctly linked to your QuickBooks tax rate. 

Making Things Taxable

Within Price Book or your line items, you'll want to toggle whether the product/service is taxable. To do this within Price Book, navigate to Admin > Price Book and open any item. If you want to set this item as taxable, change the Taxable toggle to Yes.

Within a project template or line-item estimate, click into the task group and switch to the Pricing tab. You'll see the toggle for Taxable and will want to change this to Yes if the product/service is taxable.

Applying Taxes

Taxes for either Price Book or Line-Item projects can be added on the Pricing tab of a project. There will be a dropdown available to choose the tax rate, and the grand total will update accordingly.