Importing Leads

By importing leads, you can add new leads or record existing ones without the need for manual entry or duplicate information

You can follow along with the video and the step by step instructions below to use the Import Wizard to import you list of customers into Builder Prime. 

➡️ The video and steps below explain how to import. To learn about preparing your data for import, check out our Import Preparation Instructions. ⬅️

It is recommended to do a test import of 10 leads prior to importing everything. This will allow you to preview how the data populates in Builder Prime. If you are not happy with where the data landed, it is much easier to delete 10 leads versus 1,000. 


Loading Your Spreadsheet

Within your Builder Prime account, navigate to Clients > Show All from the left menu.

Click Import from the top menu and select Import Clients.

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Follow the prompts in the Import Wizard to load in your spreadsheet. Once loaded, you will be asked if a row contains column headers, which will be used to map the data in the next step.

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Mapping the Data

This next step will ensure the data in your spreadsheet lands where it is supposed to within Builder Prime. Map the columns of your spreadsheet to the fields in Builder Prime and confirm mapping. If there are any columns from your spreadsheet you do not need in Builder Prime, you can choose to ignore this column when mapping.

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Once the data has been mapped, click the button to continue to the review stage.

Reviewing the Data

This next stage will allow you to review the data you've mapped. Cells highlighted in red indicate the field will not import, and you can manually update these cells on this page. Hovering over the red cell will provide an explanation about why the cell was flagged. Once the problems have been fixed, you can click Continue to import the leads.

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Final Steps

After the clients import, you'll see a confirmation that the import was successful. If any of the leads were not imported for any reason, you will receive a notification and a spreadsheet file will automatically download with the unsuccessfully imported leads that contains the reason they were not imported.

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