As a manager or owner, you will sometimes need to view or confirm which calendar your employees have synced with Builder Prime.
1. Click on Employees
You can see what calendars other employees are synced with by looking at their employee record within Builder Prime.
2. Select the employee
3. Check or change the Google Calendar
If you have the correct permissions and are using a shared Google Calendar, you can adjust which calendar the employee's Builder Prime account is synced with.
4. Click on Schedule to confirm the sync is connected
5. Click on Sales Calendar
6. View the calendar
Meetings that are on both the Sales calendar and the Google calendar will have a G in the bottom right corner.
If you are unable to connect with the Google Calendar, follow the steps below to reset access to Builder Prime and try again.
1. Go into your Google Account (via for example)
2. Click the user icon on Google
3. Click on manage your Google account for the account.
4. Click Security on the left.
5. Select Manage third-party access for the section with the Third-party apps.
6. Find Builder Prime in the list and Revoke.
7. Then go back to Builder Prime and try again.