EagleView and Hover Integrations

Gain pivotal and accurate insight to your projects with the help of EagleView and Hover.

EagleView and Hover provide Builder Prime customers with some exciting and useful tools to help get the job done. EagleView provides users with detailed property measurements and allow you to link those measurement to your clients projects. Similarly, Hover provides users with accurate measurements and designs.

EagleView Information

Hover Information

To connect the integrations, navigate to Admin > Integrations > Photos & Measurements. Click the button to connect to the tool you are using to capture photos and information.

EagleView Information

Once the integration is connected, there will be a button to link or create a new EagleView report within the Project Info tab of a project.

Clicking this will open a new widget that will allow you to search for and link an existing project from your EagleView account or to create a new EagleView report.

If choosing to create a new report, a form will be available to input all of the necessary information, and this will be automatically linked with the project in Builder Prime.

Once the report is complete, it will be available within the Documents tab of the project.

Hover Information

Once the integration is connected, there will be a button to link or create a new Hover job within the Project Info tab of a project.

Clicking the link will allow you to search for an existing job or create a new one from Builder Prime.

Once the job is linked and the report is available, the report will show up within the Documents tab of the project.