Completed To-do Items

Completed To-do Items Report allows you to track and manage all the to-do tasks assigned to a particular employee that are completed in a time frame you select. This helps you to specifically look up on completed tasks that have affected the completion of a project. 

Head to Reports in the main menu navigation, then select Created To-do Items on the first field. Choose an Assigned Employee (e.g. Bob Builder) on the next drop-down field, then select a time frame to run the report. This example shows the Completed To-do Items by Bob Builder for the past 1 year. 

As shown, you can directly access the tasks from the list. Click on any of the records to manage or update them as necessary. All items are marked with a green check icon indicate that they are completed. 

Export the table into a PDF or Excel file by clicking on the blue buttons at the top of the table.